Easy interval & easy crackers
I’ve just finished the first 6 weeks of training! It’s never easy to start again after a long period of rest but I already feel my shape coming back step by step. I’ll be home in the Netherlands this month, in January I’ll be heading toward the beautiful South Africa for nearly a month.
Despite the chilly temperatures the past few weeks, we continue to train outdoor. I know that the winter period doesn’t always feel as the best season run. But considering the fact that you spend most of your days indoor…going out for some fresh air and exercise feels great and leaves you satisfied with a lot of new energy! To help you guys, I’ve created a basic interval schedule. Just make sure you don’t overdo it: start easy and then progress slowly. After your training session I recommend these home made crackers: a perfect recovery meal with a warm egg. Continue reading fort his easy interval and easy crackers.
First of all: don’t rush and start slowly. If not, you’ll be tired of running after your first week, and that’s not what we want of course 😉 The best way is to start with ins and outs (interval). Interval means workouts in which you alternate periods of high-intensity exercise with low-intensity recovery periods. So: uptempo runs and periods of walking.
You can try this schedule:
1. Start with 30 sec of running, then 30 sec walking. Repeat it 5 times. If this goes really well do 5 more.
If you feel up to it try doing 3 or 4 of these sets. Try to increase your pace just a little bit too, but don’t overdo it!
2. If this goes well, you can extend the amount of time up to 1 minute. So: 1 minute running, 1 minute walking.
3. If multiple sets is a bit too much for you, no problem: add a 3-5 minute break in which you continue to walk (don’t stroll, walk in a steady pace)
During my own interval training I always do 4 sets of 5×30 sec running/ 30 sec walking. Good luck!
Easy crackers
These crackers are perfect for after your workout. I usually prepare them on Sunday, so I have plenty during the week to come. Last weekend while making them my dad walked in and asked if I was making some food for the birds outside haha. Don’t worry, they might not look al that delicious, they certainly do taste great!
For ten pieces
- 80 g linseed
- 50 g sunflower seeds
- 50 g pumpkin seeds
- 50 g sesame seed
- 20 g chia seed
- 1 teaspoon thyme
- 180 ml water
- 30 g spelled flower
- 1½ teaspoon sea salt
- 1 egg
- 1/2 avocado
- Salt & pepper
Mix all ingredients in a big bowl. Let it rest for half an hour so the seeds can take up the juice and het a sticky layer.
Preheat the oven on 180 degrees celcius. Cover the tray with baking paper and put the mixture in the middle.
Put a sheet of baking paper over the mixture, press with both hands and spread it equally over the baking tray in a rectangular shape of about half a centimeter thick.
Remove the top sheet of baking paper and check the cake on wholes. Be sure to fill them with some of the mixture from the sides.
Bake the crackers in the middle of the oven for about 30 minutes.
Cut the cake into 10 equal pieces as soon as you take the tray out of the oven. Then let them cool and harden.
For the topping:
Boil some water in a pan, then tun of the heat and stir the water with a spoon (like a little whirlpool). Crack the egg and let it slide into the water. Leave it in there for 4 minutes and then take it out.
Cut the avocado into slices and divide them over a cracker. Put the egg on top of i tand add some salt and pepper to taste.
Raoul Vijber
09/12/2016 at 22:26Hi Dafne,
Thank you for sharing tips for an easy interval training. Very inspiring. Thé same for the recipe for easy crackers. I wish you alle the best for this upcoming new season.
Kind regards,